起初我是使用 Hexo+NexT 来搭建博客的,我对 Hexo 不满意的地方有两个,一个是生成速度,另外一个是依赖太多,以至于我都要把我的 Hexo 环境打包成 docker 分发到每一个写博客的机子。而 Hugo 就完美解决了这两个问题,可也并不是说 Hugo 毫无缺点。Hugo 最大的缺点是生态尚未完善,看着 github 上面那些 star 数量都不超过一千的主题实在是不太敢使用。但是 Hugo 的生成速度足以实时预览,这个是 Hexo 难以匹敌的。同时迁移成本也是我从 Hexo 迁移到 Hugo 的考虑之一,几乎没有迁移成本让我瞬间有了动力,要是说仅有的迁移成本,那也是 Hexo 的站内链接不适用而已。我不用考虑图片迁移问题,毕竟我是使用 Githb+Picgo 来进行图床存储的。如果你是一个 Rust 粉,你也可以考虑 Zola ,只不过 Zola 的生态更加贫瘠,对于我这种前端小白来说不太友好😭
👉 Hugo Papermod Theme Github 仓库
PaperMod theme 配置小技巧
代码块显示行数(Code block line number display)
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# config.yaml pygmentsOptions: linenos=table
Hexo 生成的 URL 是和文章标题一一对应的,而 Hugo 会默认将标题的首字母小写,本来就是小站长,好不容易被收录的网站岂能丢掉? 一句话禁止 URL 自动首字母小写
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# config.yaml disablePathToLower: true
SEO 优化,让网站结构更加扁平化
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# config.yaml permalinks: post: /:slug/ page: /:slug/
允许在 markdown 里面嵌入 HTML
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# config.yaml markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true
文章导航在 hugo 里面也叫 table of content 即 toc
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# config.yaml params: showtoc: true tocopen: false
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# config.yaml params: comments: true
创建指定位置的 comments.html 文件
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site_source/ | archetypes/ | assets/ | config/ | content/ | data/ | layouts/ | | _default/ | | partials/ | | | comments.html | | | extend_head.html | public/ | resources/ | static/ | themes/
comments.html 文件里面写入(尚未配置仓库和/或分类这些字段之前,不会显示这些字段的值)
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<script src="https://giscus.app/client.js" data-repo="[在此输入仓库]" data-repo-id="[在此输入仓库 ID]" data-category="[在此输入分类名]" data-category-id="[在此输入分类 ID]" data-mapping="pathname" data-strict="0" data-reactions-enabled="1" data-emit-metadata="0" data-input-position="bottom" data-theme="preferred_color_scheme" data-lang="zh-CN" crossorigin="anonymous" async> </script>
支持放大图片(Zoom images)
创建指定位置的 render-image.html 文件
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site_source/ | archetypes/ | assets/ | config/ | content/ | data/ | layouts/ | | _default/ | | | _markup/ | | | | render-image.html | | partials/ | public/ | resources/ | static/ | themes/
render-image.html 文件里面写入
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<!-- Checks if page is part of section and page is not section itself --> {{- if and (ne .Page.Kind "section") (.Page.Section ) }} <!-- Generate a unique id for each image --> {{- $random := (substr (md5 .Destination) 0 5) }} <input type="checkbox" id="zoomCheck-{{$random}}" hidden> <label for="zoomCheck-{{$random}}"> <img class="zoomCheck" loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" alt="{{ .Text }}" {{ with.Title}} title="{{ . }}" {{ end }} /> </label> {{- else }} <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" alt="{{ .Text }}" {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}" {{ end }} /> {{- end }}
创建指定位置的 extend_head.html 文件
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site_source/ | archetypes/ | assets/ | config/ | content/ | data/ | layouts/ | | _default/ | | partials/ | | | comments.html | | | extend_head.html | public/ | resources/ | static/ | themes/
extend_head.html 文件里面写入
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<style> @media screen and (min-width: 1px) { /* .post-content is a class which will be present only on single pages and not lists and section pages in Hugo */ .post-content input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ label > img { transform: scale(1.6); cursor: zoom-out; position: relative; z-index: 999; } .post-content img.zoomCheck { transition: transform 0.15s ease; z-index: 999; cursor: zoom-in; } } </style>
其他的关于代码块语法高亮,搜索界面,归档界面都可以在 PaperMod 的 Wiki 文档里面找到答案
👉 Wiki
Hugo 与 Hexo 的使用区别
文章头部如果使用了 draft:true ,那么这篇文件将不会被生成,只是作为草稿
hugo server 等价于 hexo g && hexo s ,但是不会将生成的文件存入磁盘中,也就是说,public 文件夹里面将不会有任何改变
hexo d 就可以发布了,不过在 hugo 里面要先执行
,在 public 下生成 html 文件,然后在 pulbic 下 git push 发布
我的 config.yaml 如下
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baseURL: "https://hcy-asleep.github.io/" title: Memos paginate: 5 theme: PaperMod enableRobotsTXT: true buildDrafts: false buildFuture: true buildExpired: false googleAnalytics: UA-123-45 minify: disableXML: true minifyOutput: true params: env: production # to enable google analytics, opengraph, twitter-cards and schema. title: HCY-BLOGS description: "Welcome" keywords: [Blog, Portfolio, PaperMod] author: HCY # author: ["Me", "You"] # multiple authors images: [""] DateFormat: "January 2, 2006" defaultTheme: dark # dark, light disableThemeToggle: true ShowReadingTime: true ShowShareButtons: false ShowPostNavLinks: true ShowBreadCrumbs: true ShowCodeCopyButtons: true ShowWordCount: true ShowRssButtonInSectionTermList: true UseHugoToc: true disableSpecial1stPost: false disableScrollToTop: false comments: true hidemeta: false hideSummary: false showtoc: false tocopen: false assets: disableHLJS: true # to disable highlight.js # disableFingerprinting: true favicon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCY-ASLEEP/picture-bed/main/picture-bed/hcy_site_favicon.png" favicon16x16: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCY-ASLEEP/picture-bed/main/picture-bed/hcy_site_favicon.png" favicon32x32: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCY-ASLEEP/picture-bed/main/picture-bed/hcy_site_favicon.png" apple_touch_icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCY-ASLEEP/picture-bed/main/picture-bed/hcy_site_favicon.png" safari_pinned_tab: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCY-ASLEEP/picture-bed/main/picture-bed/hcy_site_favicon.png" label: text: "主页" icon: iconHeight: 35 # profile-mode profileMode: enabled: false # needs to be explicitly set title: ExampleSite subtitle: "This is subtitle" imageUrl: "<img location>" imageWidth: 120 imageHeight: 120 imageTitle: my image buttons: - name: Posts url: posts - name: Tags url: tags # home-info mode homeInfoParams: Title: "Hallo~ \U0001F44B" Content: "Welcome to my blog" socialIcons: # - name: twitter # url: "https://twitter.com/" # - name: stackoverflow # url: "https://stackoverflow.com" - name: github url: "https://github.com/HCY-ASLEEP" - name: email url: "mailto:2420066864@qq.com" analytics: google: SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc" bing: SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc" yandex: SiteVerificationTag: "XYZabc" cover: hidden: true # hide everywhere but not in structured data hiddenInList: true # hide on list pages and home hiddenInSingle: true # hide on single page editPost: URL: "https://github.com/HCY-ASLEEP" Text: " Follow me" # edit text appendFilePath: false # to append file path to Edit link # for search # https://fusejs.io/api/options.html fuseOpts: isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 0 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] menu: main: - identifier: categories name: 目录 url: /categories/ weight: 20 - identifier: tags name: 标签 url: /tags/ weight: 10 - identifier: search name: 🔍 url: /search/ weight: 30 - identifier: archives name: 归档 url: /archives/ weight: 10 - identifier: about name: 关于 url: /about/ weight: 30 - identifier: friends name: 友链 url: /friends/ weight: 29 # Read: https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/wiki/FAQs#using-hugos-syntax-highlighter-chroma pygmentsUseClasses: true markup: highlight: # noClasses: false # anchorLineNos: true codeFences: true guessSyntax: true lineNos: true style: monokailight goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON # is necessary disablePathToLower: true permalinks: post: /:slug/ page: /:slug/ pygmentsOptions: linenos=table